Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Zealand - Hahei Hot Water Beach

We made it to Cathedral Cove B & B, New Zealand last night.
Our great host, Pat, actually designed and built this home himself.
that's pretty impressive...just sayin'
After breakfast we headed out to hot water beach.
You can walk on the beach, dig in the sand and hot/warm water bubbles up.
Are we having fun yet?
Apparently, some volcanoes develop huge underground reservoirs of superheated water.
Who woulda thunk, right?
I swear we were having a blast no matter what the photos look like
Over time, the water escapes to the surface — cooling on the way.
Some parts of the sand were too hot to stand on and others were completely cool to the touch.
There are two fissures at Hot Water Beach and the water can be as hot as 147ºF.
It was the perfect outing for today because our morning started with lots of rain.
Once high tide comes in, all of this area is submerged under cool ocean water.
We make look like dopes wallowing in the mud but honestly it was the neatest thing I've seen in a while.
Isn't nature awesome?

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