Saturday, December 4, 2010

France Never Invades Anywhere

Charlie and I ate lunch at our current favorite burger joint.
 On our last visit we had the pleasure of overhearing a converstation between an interestingly/strange lady and her husband.
The whole time we were there she was blabbering on about all things French.
So when we sat down today Charlie began to talk about France since she wasn't there to do it this time.
It took me a second to catch on... 

Charlie: Did you hear that France reestablished their monarchy last night and they invaded Sicily this morning?
Me: WHAT?!? Who's their king?
Charlie: Jean Reno (as in Steve Martin's sidekick in Pink Panther, pictured below).
Me: Well now I know you're kidding.
Charlie: Yea the French don't invade anything, they get invaded.

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