"All I can offer you new moms, who are just beginning this journey of motherhood, is what I tried with all my heart to do over the past 23 years:
Faithfully build character into your children every chance you get. Even if you are not the perfect mom in every way, you can be faithful in that. Here are just a few ways to build and model character while raising those children:
- Nurture a healthy love and fear of the Lord into their hearts.
- Teach them the character qualities of God so they will understand ALL of who He is.
- Be there for them … praise them, hug them goodnight, kiss them goodbye.
- Look directly in their eyes when they speak to you. Listen to them.
- Be humble about your own imperfection, but firmly instill how much you love them.
- Take care of them in ways that are important, let go of the guilt or pressure to be super parents.
- Let them fail and take responsibility for it. Love them through it.
- Teach them to think and reason and make good choices…and model that for them.
- Let your children see that your marriage and family are a priority.
- Teach them to show respect, love and concern for others.
- Model what it means to love your neighbor as yourself.
- Give them opportunities to practice selfless and sacrificial love for others.
- Let them shine in how God created them and cheer them on.
- Challenge them to be who God created them to be even when it is hard work to get there.
- Inspire them for what is possible with God!
- Pray for them.
- Pray with them.
- Remember Who they belong to.
- When they question your wisdom, remind them Who they need to please, above all others.
- Remind them often that being their mom is one of the highest God-given privileges and honors of your life.
You're going to be great at this!