Sunday, November 13, 2011

i see ya baby

Naturally I love to exercise and workout, but like anyone there are those days that I just really, really don't want to.
Here's the deal with me though: I rely on exercise and physical activity to make me feel energized and snap me out of any funks I get into.
As I am simply not a person who can work out early in the mornings, I usually hit the gym
right after work to let the traffic die down and also let me decompress after the day.
For me the key is variety. 
Here's my weekly routine:
Monday: run 3 miles, 1 hour fight class
Tuesday: run 2 miles, 1 hour Rock Solid Adrenaline
Wednesday (my favorite): 1 hour Zumba, 40 minute spin class
Thursday: 3 miles walk/run, 1 hour Pilate's
Friday: weights of some kind but no gym
Saturday morning: 1 hour spin class
Sunday: OFF
I've been on that schedule for about 7 months now and have really reaped the benefits.
I am AMAZED at how much better I have been feeling these last few months.
Truly it has been a blessing and I am so thankful to have a healthy body
that lets me work out hard and lets me do what i love to do.

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